Growth Doesn’t Always Come With Age
Jul 18, 2018
Hi everyone! Thanks for visiting my site and reading my blog. My last blog I talked about a personal growth plan.
Have you ever thought about why we keep doing the same thing over again and nothing changes?! I would always ask myself that until I heard that “growth” is not about getting older, growth doesn’t have much to do with age, it is an intentional decision we make to change our lives. Only then do we start getting a different outcome.
Life circumstances and events sometimes bog us down and our thinking becomes automatic or routine. A personal growth plan helps us think outside the box and we become aware of more than our environment and circumstances has taught us.
Here are 4 simple steps to begin a personal growth plan that will change how you think and begin getting the outcome you dream of.
- If you haven’t already developed a habit of reading, now would be a good time to start. I started reading 15 minutes a day because I wasn’t much of a reader. Be persistent and consistent and you will be surprised at how your day to day life begins to change. Books I recommend are “15 Invaluable Laws of Growth” by John Maxwell, “Developing The Leader Within You 2.0” also by John Maxwell and “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill. These are just a few to help you begin to develop a habit of reading. These books I mentioned are about personal growth. If you would like some suggestions on other topics, please comment below and I will give you some ideas.
- Secondly, start asking questions. We can always learn from each other! We all have something to offer. One thing we do at the dinner table each night is have “question time”. One of us thinks of a question and we all try to answer. Almost always we use google, haha! Everyone learns and it makes for great conversation.
- Thirdly, is to journal. When I started journaling I really didn’t know what to write, so I would end up writing about the events of my day. I didn’t always have a lot to say. Then I started journaling my thoughts, feelings and how I reacted to certain people and events of my day. I really learned a lot about myself and helped me to see areas I needed to work on.
- Last but not least, in fact, this is probably the most important change you can make in your life! And that is your thinking! When you are alone listen to your thoughts, listen to your self talk. This is so important! Remember when Carl Young said, “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate”! Listening to your thoughts and self talk will help bring out what's in your unconscious. Tell yourself what you want in life, the person you want to become or see yourself as. Lots of books on this topic that will impact your life in an amazing way.
I hope this helps you to get on a personal growth plan and enjoy each new day as it comes. Because… are worth it!
In His Love, Sandee