5 Ways To Find Love

mindset Sep 15, 2018

Everyone wants to be loved and, have someone to love.  Finding that person to share this journey of life with is an amazing feeling. 

Have you ever loved and lost?  I know a lot of us have experienced this kind of loss.  For some of us, it’s our belief system we have about love, we think we can only love once.  And if we lost that love then we believe it may not happen for us again! Or we make a vow to never love again because we do not want to feel the pain of loss. 

Do you believe you can only love once?  I believe we love more than once and I also believe if we have lost love, we can find it again.



Here are 5 ways that will help you find love again whatever your journey has been.  It starts with believing in what you what for your life.  Until I started to pay attention to the conversations I have with myself, nothing really changed.  I realized that my thoughts were taking me on a journey I didn’t want to be on. 

So here are some things that really helped me and gave me the tools to change the direction my life was heading.

  1.  Thoughts:  Listen to what your thoughts are saying!  On an average day, most people have 50,000 thoughts!  That is a lot of thinking!  We are talking to our ourselves constantly through the day. 

    Really listen to what you are thinking!  Keep your thoughts on what you want not what your circumstances are telling you.  Lift up you!  Encourage you!  If you have a lot of negative thoughts about yourself or your circumstances than stop them! 

    Don’t allow yourself to put you down, or sabotage what you what out of life, like finding love again!  Think thoughts of kindness, you matter and what you tell yourself matters most!  There are a lot of good books to help you with your thinking patterns.  Find one that is good for you and get reading.  Change those negative thoughts about you and your circumstance and your life will begin to turn down a new road.


  2. Loving Yourself:  I remember growing up if people loved themselves or thought highly of themselves they were considered conceited! 

    Today too many of us do not feel worthy of love because we really do not love ourselves.  It is so important to care for you, put you first, get to know you, love you, only then will you be able to give yourself to others.  Become more of YOU!  Having a healthy self-love is very attractive and will draw people to you.  This will open doors to invite more people in your life that are emotionally healthy.


  3. What You Put Out, You Get Back:  “Your attitude colors every aspect of your life.  It is like the mind’s paintbrush.” John C. Maxwell.  What is your attitude like? 

    As you begin to change your thinking and how you see yourself, your attitude will begin to brighten not only your day but all those around you!  Have an attitude like you want your loved ones, co-workers, and friends to have toward you. 

    Nobody likes to have their head bit off or be criticized for an opinion they put out there.  Attitude is a choice. 

    Your circumstances do not determine your attitude, you do! We can’t always change what happens around us.  We can change the attitude we have towards our circumstances.  Choosing to have a good attitude toward hard times will help you overcome them. 

    Make attitude choices that will serve you and create a positive environment for those around you.  You will enjoy life more, you will attract others, you will become more successful, and you will enjoy your day to day living. 

    Take that paintbrush and paint yourself a beautiful attitude and enjoy the benefits it will bring, as you draw love closer.

  4. Do Something Different:  Be your own kind of beautiful!  Let who you are and what you love shine! 

    Dance when no one is looking, cry if you feel like crying, recognize and allow your feelings. 

    Whatever your routine is daily, change it up.  Think of ways to break the same steps you take each day.  Change one thing at a time.  As you do this think of where you are in your life, not where you wish you were, but where you truly are and start from there. 

    We are creators!  Create your own kind of beautiful, this will attract people to you.  People love to be around happy, loving, kind people.  Make yourself a people magnet and believe me you will find love again!

  5. Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone:  Every since I was a kid I had a fear of heights.  As I became an adult I just learned to live with it and accepted that fear.  After so many years of truly and fearfully fearing heights, I began to have physical symptoms. 

    The Dr. called it Virtacious Sensation.  When I would be at high altitudes I would physically lose my balance.  So I knew I had to conquer my fear of heights.  So this last May I stepped out of my comfort zone and took a trip to Sojourn Adventures in Atlanta, GA. 

    There was a rope course 60 feet in the air, along with ziplining and pole climbing!  I knew the only way to overcome my fear was to look at it right in the face.  So I walked a tightrope 60 feet up, yes I was harnessed!!  This was the scariest I have been and I chose to do it! 

    At first, I was so scared I could hardly breathe and then halfway across that rope, I knew I either had to let my fear go or die, lol! 

    So I let it go!  I started looking around me and seeing how beautiful it was up there :).  From there I finished walking that tightrope like a champ!  If you have a fear of heights maybe you do not want to do something this drastic, but there is somewhere you can start in your own life to get out of what is comfortable and be uncomfortable!  The risk is worth it!  This is a door that you can only open from the inside of you and fear is, False Evidence Appearing Real, so take the challenge today.  When you love you first, the rest will come together!


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